The Kick-off Meeting of this Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project took place from 6th to 7th of November in Tolmezzo / Italy. It was kindly hosted by Cramars Cooperativa (enter link to institution homepage) and the consortium had the chance to know each other in person for the first time. In the group we defined the meaning and concept of literacy as to be used in the project. You can find more information concerning “Engineering Literacy in ELIC” by clicking here. (enter link to page: “Engineering Literacy”.)
From December 2017 to April2018 all partners had the task do a desk research on national teaching plans, existing and planned initiatives when it comes to transferring technical skills to pupils in secondary schools. This desk research is the first step of WP1 (Status-quo analysis) which is led by TU Ostrava. Straight after completing the desk research all partner countries implemented a focus group with experts in order to get an in-depth understanding of available trainings, planned trainings and what teachers need and want in order to increase technical skills among secondary school pupils.
A comparative analysis among all partners and countries as well as the subsequent GAP report are currently finalized and are the main output needed in order to continue with the creation of the skill card.