In the beginning of March 2018 the ELIC focus group took place in Ostrava, Czech Republic. The focus group was attended by 6 teachers from various places in the Czech Republic: Praque, Ostrava, Olomouc, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Písek. The participants were teachers of science subjects at secondary schools, three of them also work at the Department of Physics (University of Charles, Prague, University of Palacky, Olomouc).
The following information and needs were identified during the focus group:
- In practice, students learn about the content of many crafts, with the work of various technical experts. The theoretical basis for the understanding of the principles of technical equipment, material properties and production technology students get primarily in physics and chemistry subjects.
- The focus group showed that the participants are currently unaware of a systematic and continuous continuing education program in the field of technical literacy which needs to be changed through a tight collaboration with the teachers´ education authorities in the Czech Republic.
- The interdisciplinary in teaching is currently lacking which can be changed through the ELIC MOOC offer.