4th ELIC Meeting in Graz

The ELIC partners came together in Graz from 16th to 17th of May for the 4th ELIC consortium meeting.

At FH JOANNEUM the consortium discussed about

  • Statistics, recap and lessons learned of the ELIC MOOC (IO4),
  • Substantiation of the Transferability and Evaluation Handbook (IO5),
  • Further steps with the IPR agreement (IO6), and
  • Decision-making about the final ELIC conference in Graz in September 2019 (E8)

We are looking back on a very productive and interactive meeting, involving all ELIC partners equally in workshops and discussions.

Big thanks to all ELIC partners for the two very fruitful days!

The FH JOANNEUM team is looking forward to meet many of you again at the ELIC conference on 12th of September 2019!